Central Air Conditioner Maintenance

An air conditioner's filters, coils, and fins require regular servicing for the equipment to operate smoothly and efficiently over time. Ignoring fundamental maintenance guarantees a steady decrease in air conditioning efficacy while increasing energy usage. Visit AC Maintenance for exact details on improving your comfort and the effectiveness of your central air conditioner. Fortunately, there are several very basic things that every homeowner can do to keep their AC unit operating effectively and less frequently over the hot months. AC Maintenance prefers to provide the best efforts to maintain Central air conditioners. Here is the checklist of the maintenance and the reason for choosing us:

Air Conditioner Filters

The most appropriate maintenance task for preserving the functionality of your central air conditioner is to update or wash its filters on a routine basis. Blocked or unclean filters restrict circulation and, as a result, system performance. Furthermore, debris may circumvent the filter and land straight on the evaporator coil when airflow is impeded, limiting the coils heat-absorbing efficiency. Filters for central air conditioners are often installed anywhere on the return duct. Room air conditioners feature a filter in the grill that faces the room.

The coil’s capacity to absorb heat is decreased by this dirt’s restriction of airflow while protecting it.

Benefits of hiring experts

Whenever a central air conditioner demands more than standard maintenance, for instance when it fails to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, contact a professional service specialist. Your air conditioning system will be diagnosed and repaired by a certified professional.

The technician should:

  • Check the refrigerant.
  • Check for refrigerant leaks with a leak detector.
  • Capture any refrigerant that evacuates from the system rather than illegally discharging it into the air. In central systems, look for and patch duct leaks.
  • Examine the airflow through the evaporator coil.
  • Check the correct electric control sequence to ensure that the heating and cooling systems aren’t working simultaneously.
  • Examine electrical terminals, tidy and tighten connections, and, if necessary, coat with a non-conductive material.
  • Inspect the motors for stiffness and belt wear.
  • Check the thermostat’s accuracy.

Purge the Condenser Unit of Pollen and Other Debris

If your outdoor air condenser unit is hidden, it’s easy to overlook cleaning it. However, you cannot afford to neglect this simple task. When the condenser takes in air, pollen and other particles adhere to its surface, reducing airflow, limiting cooling efficacy, and possibly causing the system to overheat.

Examine your electrical connections

AC Maintenance inspects all electrical components and controls to ensure optimal operation. Over time, algae and mold can collect and plug the drain. Drainage from a pan of water can wreak havoc, or if the system includes a sink float, it can avoid flooding.

Checking the blower motor

The amp draw of the blower motor is being measured. An engine that consumes too many amps may eventually fail.

Oil the motors and bearings

Grease is used in motors and bearings to prevent metal-on-metal contact. It will result in increased compressor and motor life.


What kind of maintenance is essential for a central air conditioner?
How frequently should the central air conditioner be serviced?
What is the expected life of a central air conditioning system?
How should I clean my central air conditioning coils?